One of our information channels is the newsletter (in English). The easiest way to subscribe to our newsletter is by typing your e-mail address to the field on this page.

The clubs can also send announcements via the newsletter. Please contact us if you have an announcement to send.

Privacy Policy for E-mail Newsletter

This is the Privacy Policy that concerns the e-mail addresses of Wadōkai Finland E-mail Newsletter (Personal Data Act (523/1999) sections 10 and 24).

Created on April 25th, 2018

1. Controller

Wadōkai Finland

2. Representative of the controller

Niko Utriainen

3. Name of register

Wadōkai Finland E-mail Newsletter

4. Purpose of processing personal data

The purpose for processing personal data of the E-mail Newsletter is to send e-mail announcements by Wadōkai Finland. The processing is based on Personal Data Act (22.4.1999/523) section 8, subsection 1, paragraph 1.

5. Data content of the register

The register contains only the subscribers’ e-mail addresses.

6. Regular data sources

The data content of the register is submitted by the data subject him- of herself.

7. Regular disclosure and transfer of data outside the EU or EEA

The processing of data takes place in phpList mailing system which is controlled by Wadōkai Finland. The data is saved into phpList mailing system database for technical data processing. The phpList mailing system is installed to servers that are located in Finland.

No data from the register is disclosed to third parties.

8. Principles of register protection

All the data in the registry is handled electronically. No data is submitted or handled on paper.

The processing of data takes place in phpList mailing system which is controlled by Wadōkai Finland where the processing, searching and browsing is permitted only to those Wadōkai Finland dan committee members who are assigned to manage the E-mail Newsletter. The system is protected by means of technical solutions.

9. The right of data subjects to check data

As specified in the Personal Data Act section 26, the data subject has the right to check what information pertaining to them is stored in the register. The inspection request shall be submitted to the e-mail address mentioned in section 1.

10. Rectification of data

As specified in the Personal Data Act section 29, the data subject has the right to request rectification of erroneous data. The rectification request shall be submitted to the e-mail address mentioned in section 1.

11. Other rights relating to processing of personal data

As specified in the Personal Data Act section 30, the data subject has the right to prohibit the controller from processing their personal data for direct advertising, distance selling and other direct marketing as well as market and opinion polls, vital records and genealogy. The data contents in the E-mail Newsletter is not used for these purposes.